Sunday, April 15, 2007

Getting up early to hear the African American pastor

Pastor Fred Luter preached on Titus 2, "Amazing Grace." God's grace:
Redeems us;
Reforms us;
Rewards us!

Three rallying points came out:
"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so." If we have been redeemed we should SAY SO!

"Yes, I CAN because of God's grace."

"Grace will lead us home - Cares have past; home at last!"

To hear this fiery preacher in an earlier sermon, click here.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Miracle calves & prayer levees

Easter Sunday at First Baptist emphasized running to tell the good news, as the women did when they discovered Jesus is risen.

The pastor told of working on a farm when he was 13 and helping the farmer deliver a calf in the middle of the night...but it was dead. The young man went to bed disappointed and prayed that the farmer would somehow get over his disappointment.

The boy woke up the next morning and went to see the cow. There was a newborn calf standing next to it! The boy ran to tell the farmer the good news! The farmer told him, "I missed a calf! The cow had twins!" How much more should we run to tell the Good News!

I was struck with an announcement in the bulletin that groups were uniting to form a "prayer levee" around New Orleans. You know...I think this one will be impenetrable!